The Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism & Art began its activities in 2002 by admitting 25 students in the field of Urban Planning which was within the Faculty of Engineering. In 2004 with the approval of honorable authorities and former minister of Housing and Urban Development, Hedayat School Building which is of historical significance was awarded to Urmia University in order to establish the faculty. This Faculty was established in this historical building and started running two undergraduate programs, namely Architecture and Urban Planning. In 2007, the faculty was transferred to its new premise with 7000-square-meter space at the beginning of Urmia-Sero Road. At present, the faculty admits students in four bachelor programs of Architecture, Urban Planning, Architectural Conservation and Painting. At Master’s level, Urban Planning, Urban Management and Architecture are offered as well. The faculty is well equipped amenities such as workshops, studios, libraries, computer site, monographs, assembly halls, restaurants, and etc. The faculty hosts 35 full-time and part-time faculty members. The faculty offers programs in different fields of Architecture, Urban Planning, Architectural Conservation, and Painting. Currently, the faculty has about 750 BA, 100 MA students.