English of Urmia.ac.ir

Chemistry Department

Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

After that the faculty of chemistry foundation in 2017, it began formal activities with two major department including the department organic and inorganic chemistry and the department of physical chemistry, analytical chemistry and applied chemistry.

The M.Sc. chemistry courses started in organic and inorganic chemistry department since October 1997 and admitted the Ph.D. students in organic chemistry since February 2003.

At present, the total number of M.Sc. students of organic and inorganic chemistry department is 68, including 46 in organic chemistry and 22 in inorganic chemistry. The number of Ph.D. students in organic chemistry is 38, and the number of Ph.D. students in the pardis unit is 27. The 11 faculty academic members of organic and inorganic chemistry group including 6 professors, 1 associate professor and 4 assistant professors are dealing with teaching and research in various topics.

Current research topics in Organic chemistry:

Synthesis of macrocyclic compound
Synthesis of heterocyclic compound
Synthesis of pharmacological compound
synthesis of drug precursors and controlled drugs delivery
synthesis of natural polymers and water-soluble polymers
Nano polymers

Current research topics in Inorganic chemistry:

Coordination chemistry
Bioinorganic chemistry
Solid state chemistry
Computational chemistry
Nano inorganic chemistry

Instruments and facilities in organic and inorganic department of faculty of chemistry:


Programs in progress:

Promote education and research in M.Sc. and Ph.D. courses
Creation and activation of specialized laboratories of the faculty of chemistry to provide research services to college researchers


Head of Department
Zahra Mardani
contact information
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