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Exercise physiology and corrective exercises Department

Exercise Physiology and Corrective Exercises
Sport Sciences

This department was established in 2013 in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences at Urmia University. The department’s fields of study include: 1. Exercise Physiology    2. Sport Injuries and Corrective Exercises

Since 1991, M.S. and PhD students have been studying the exercise physiology sub-discipline with an emphasis on familiarizing students with the anatomical relationships and positions of different body organs and their actions. Moreover, students study physiological functions of the human body and the impacts of chemical, physical, neurological and other factors on the physiology of the organs and investigate acute responses of the body during physical activity and body's adaptations to these activities in the long run.

PhD students become familiar with various energy systems in aerobic and anaerobic exercises. In addition, they investigate general cell functions during physical activity (aerobic and anaerobic) and physiological and structural changes in intracellular units. Additionally, they examine neuromuscular system adaptations while performing physical activities, especially complex skills and cardiovascular-respiratory adaptations induced by exercises and different activities.

The sport injuries and corrective exercise field was officially launched in 2012 by admitting M.S. students. The main purpose of this field is to establish education of graduates who can promote public awareness on individual health care (physical, psychological, mental, and social) and prescribe exercise therapy programs to address the problems associated with exercising.

The main course coverage of this field includes:

Basic Courses: Anatomy, kinesiology, first aid, etc.

Specialized courses: Corrective Exercises, sport injuries, exercise therapy and rehabilitation, principles of rehabilitation and physiotherapy, sport of the disabled, sports rescuer, massage, ergonomics, and so on.

In general, the major applied services in this field include:

  1. Being familiar with muscle-skeletal disorders and making an attempt to remove them.
  2. Assessing postures (skeletal - muscle) and diagnosing the structural abnormalities.
  3. Identifying the reasons and contributing factors in physical abnormalities, prevention methods, and their treatments.
  4. Training the elderly to do essential physical and mental activities which are suitable for them and enhancing their quality of life.
  5. Getting familiar with disabilities types and their causes.
Head of Department
Dr. Kazem Khodaei
+98 44 32753174
our location