English of Urmia.ac.ir

History & Missions


Research on Artemia was initiated by Dr. Naser Agh and Dr. Farzaneh Noori in 1994. Dr. Agh established the Artemia Research Laboratory in 1996

which was the seed of current Institute and started extensive research first on Artemia of teh Lake Urmia followed by other populations of Artemia

all over Iran in the framework of regional and national projects. Simultaneously with the expansion of research activities on Artemia and its applications

in aquaculture, establishment of the Artemia Research center was proposed by  Dr. Agh in 1998. The proposal was immediately approved by the university's

board of directors, followed by its official recognition by the Iranian Ministry of Science,  Research & technology in 1999. Efforts made by the center's staff and

strong supports by the university officials led to incredibly rapid development of the center and despite many shortcomings in terms of equipment and budget, practically

turned to Artemia Reference Center in Iran. The research activities in different areas of live food and aquaculture led to formation of two more departments in 2005

and it git upgraded to Artemia and Aquaculture Research Institute. Our institute represented Artemia Research activities in Middle East and Central Asia

in the INCO-DEV international project "Artemia Biodiversity" sponsored by the European Commission in year 2000-2004. Were are member of the International Artemia

Aquaculture Consortium and will soon establish the Western Asian Artemia Reference center in collaboration with IFRO and Iranian Fishery Organiztion. 

The research institute has been actively involved in many different types of research activities and has scientific and research collaborations in both

national and international levels with universities from about 20 countries. Moreover we maintain scientific cooperation with 12 top universities in

Iran to carry out and supervise post graduate students' theses.


- Department of Biology and Aquaculture

- Department of the Pathobiology  and Quality control

- Department of Ecology and Research Assessment

- Department of Molecular Biology and Aquatic Biotechnology