English of Urmia.ac.ir

Mine Department

Higher Education Center of Miandoab

Raw materials and minerals are considered as assets of any country. With the potential application of these resources, they are considered as the foundation and basis for economic growth of a country. These resources should be evaluated with appropriate techniques and feasibility studies and be offered to the units which use these resources. Mining Engineering major in Exploitation branch was established at Shahid Bakeri Higher Education Center of Miandoab in 2009.

Mining engineering is associated with many other disciplines, such as geology, metallurgy, geotechnical engineering, and surveying. A mining engineer will be involved in a project through all phases mining operations from exploration, through feasibility study, mine design and production scheduling, extraction, processing, operations to mine closure and even marketing. A mining engineer can also work in construction of underground spaces such tunneling projects.


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Head of Department
Maryam Yazdani
+98 44 45266070
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