Department of Animal Science
The Department of Animal Science was founded as part of the College of Agriculture and Animal Science in 1969. Student in Animal Science major admitted at the Bachelors of Animal Science in 1970. The Masters of Animal Science in this department was introduced in Animal Nutrition, Genetics and Animal Breeding, Physiology, and Apiculture in 2003, 2007, 2007 and 2016, respectively. The PhD course in Animal Nutrition was introduced in 2012.
Department/Education and research goal
Undergraduate students with Bachelors of Animal Science degree, prepares for professions in livestock or poultry breeding as animal science specialists, working as technical officers, executive officers, or managers. For Master of Science degree students, department offers professional courses to train postgraduate students with masters’ majors in Animal Nutrition, Genetics and Animal Breeding, Physiology, and Apiculture. Postgraduate students are prepared to get positions as researchers, academics, as well as senior executives for manufacturing and production enterprises within the country. At the Doctoral level, admitted students can major in Ruminant or Poultry Nutrition. After passing the relevant educational and research trainings, postgraduates as PhD are prepared to be members of faculty accountable for pursuing professional, educational and research activities
Currently 10 faculty members including 1 professors, 3 associate professors, 6 assistant professor) are working at the department in different disciplines including Ruminant and Poultry Nutrition, Genetics and Animal Breeding, Animal Physiology, and Apiculture.
Department/Research and Education farm and Laboratory
I. Research and education farm include:
- Livestock Division: This division consist of 1 dairy cattle farm with capacity of 80 head, 1 sheep and goat farm with capacity of 250 head. The farm equipped for milking with 16 unit milking machine, also includes a pharmacy, resting dorms, changing rooms, office, caretaker rooms, and security.
- Poultry Division: This division consist of 1 research broiler farm with capacity of 2000 birds (4 house), 1 commercial laying hen farm with capacity of 8000 birds, 1 research quail breeding farm with capacity of 1600 birds , and 2 incubator with capacity of 6000 eggs for hatching and a house for day old quail chicks with capacity of 2000 birds
- Honeybee Division: This division consist of 30 hives and required equipment and facilities to conduct different apiculture activities for research and educational purposes.
II. Research and education Laboratories include:
- Animal Nutrition Laboratory
- Genetic and Biotechnology Laboratory
- Animal Physiology Laboratory