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Program name | Level | College |
Apiculture | Master's | Agriculture |
Physiology | Master's | Agriculture |
Genetics and Animal Breeding | Master's | Agriculture |
Design and Construction | Master's PhD | Agriculture |
Postharvest Technology | Master's PhD | Agriculture |
Ruminant Nutrition | Master's PhD | Agriculture |
Poultry Nutrition | Master's PhD | Agriculture |
Irrigation and Drainage | Master's PhD | Agriculture |
Water Resources Engineering | Master's PhD | Agriculture |
Hydraulic Structures | Master's PhD | Agriculture |
Engineering of food machinery | Bachelor's | Agriculture |
Mechanical Engineering of Biosystem | Bachelor's | Agriculture |
Animal science | Bachelor's | Agriculture |
Water engineering | Bachelor's | Agriculture |
Marketing of Agricultural Products | Master's | Agriculture |
Natural Resources and Environment Economics | Master's | Agriculture |
Production Economics and Management of Agricultural Units | Master's | Agriculture |
Agricultural Economics engineering | Bachelor's | Agriculture |
Herbs, Spices and Aromas | PhD | Agriculture |
Post-harvest Physiology and Technology Horticultural Science | PhD | Agriculture |
Ornamental Plants | Master's | Agriculture |
Drink Herbs and Spices | Master's | Agriculture |
Pomology | Master's | Agriculture |
Horticultural science engineering | Bachelor's | Agriculture |
Plant Genetics and Breeding | Master's PhD | Agriculture |
Agricultural Biotechnology | Master's | Agriculture |
Agroecology | Master's | Agriculture |
Agrotechnology - Seed Science and technology | Master's | Agriculture |
Agrotechnology – Crop Physiolog | Master's PhD | Agriculture |
Agrotechnology – Crop Ecology | Master's PhD | Agriculture |
Plant production and genetics | Bachelor's | Agriculture |
Plant Pathology | Master's | Agriculture |
Agricultural Entomology | Master's PhD | Agriculture |
plant protection | Bachelor's | Agriculture |
food chemistry and food technology | Master's PhD | Agriculture |
food microbiology | Master's PhD | Agriculture |
food engineering | Master's | Agriculture |
Food Science and Technology | Bachelor's | Agriculture |
Soil biology and biotechnology | Master's | Agriculture |
Soil chemistry, fertility and plant nutrition | Master's PhD | Agriculture |
Soil resources and land evaluation | Master's | Agriculture |
Soil physics and soil protection | Master's | Agriculture |
Soil Science | Bachelor's | Agriculture |
Electronics-Power | Bachelor's Master's PhD | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Micro-Nano Electronics System | Master's | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Electronics | Bachelor's Master's | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Communication Engineering | Bachelor's | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Feild | Master's PhD | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
System | Master's PhD | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Computer Engineering | Bachelor's | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Software | Master's | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Computer Networks | Master's PhD | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
Watershed Management | PhD | Natural Resources |
Soil and Water Conservation | PhD | Natural Resources |
Rangeland Management | Master's | Natural Resources |
Flood and River | Master's | Natural Resources |
Soil and Water Conservation | Master's | Natural Resources |
Forest biological sciences | Master's PhD | Natural Resources |
Forest management | Master's PhD | Natural Resources |
Forest science and engineering | Bachelor's | Natural Resources |
Aquatics Ecology | Master's | Natural Resources |
Aquaculture | Master's PhD | Natural Resources |
Urban management | Master's | Architecture, Urbanism & Art |
architecture | Master's | Architecture, Urbanism & Art |
Urban planning | Master's | Architecture, Urbanism & Art |
painting | Bachelor's | Architecture, Urbanism & Art |
restoration | Bachelor's | Architecture, Urbanism & Art |
architecture | Bachelor's | Architecture, Urbanism & Art |
urban planing | Bachelor's | Architecture, Urbanism & Art |
Chemical Engineering | Bachelor's | Engineering |
Polymer Engineering | Bachelor's | Engineering |
Material Engineering | Bachelor's | Engineering |
Nano Materials and Technologies | Master's | Engineering |
Industrial Engineering | Bachelor's | Engineering |
Industrial Engineering-Optimization | Master's | Engineering |
Mining Engineering | Bachelor's | Engineering |
Tunnels and underground spaces | Master's | Engineering |
Mineral Processing | Master's | Engineering |
Mineral Exploration | Master's PhD | Engineering |
Mine Exploitation | Master's | Engineering |
Civil Engineering | Bachelor's Master's | Engineering |
Environmental Engineering | Master's | Engineering |
Road & Transportation | Master's | Engineering |
Hydraulics and Hydraulic Structures | Master's PhD | Engineering |
Geotechnical Engineering | Master's PhD | Engineering |
Earthquake Engineering | Master's | Engineering |
Structural Engineering | Master's PhD | Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering | Bachelor's | Engineering |
MEMS | Master's | Engineering |
Renewable energies | Master's | Engineering |
Manufacturing | Master's PhD | Engineering |
Dynamics &Vibration | Master's PhD | Engineering |
Solid Mechanics | Master's PhD | Engineering |
Energy Conversion | Master's PhD | Engineering |
Organic Chemistry | Master's PhD | Chemistry |
Applied Chemistry | Bachelor's Master's | Chemistry |
Physical Chemistry | Master's | Chemistry |
Analytical Chemistry | Master's PhD | Chemistry |
Inorganic Chemistry | Master's | Chemistry |
optic and layser | Bachelor's Master's PhD | Sciences |
nuclear physics | Bachelor's Master's PhD | Sciences |
condensed matter physics | Bachelor's Master's PhD | Sciences |
elementary particle | Bachelor's Master's PhD | Sciences |
Industrial rocks and minerals | Master's | Sciences |
Petrology | Master's | Sciences |
Hydrogeology | Master's | Sciences |
Stratigraphy and paleontology | Master's | Sciences |
Geophysics (Seismology and Earthquake) | Master's | Sciences |
Geology | Bachelor's | Sciences |
Tectonics | Master's | Sciences |
Environmental geology | Master's PhD | Sciences |
Economic geology | Master's PhD | Sciences |
Environmental sciences | Master's | Sciences |
Biochemistry | Master's | Sciences |
Developmental and Cellular Animal Biology | Master's | Sciences |
Animal Physiology | Master's | Sciences |
Plant Taxonomy and Ecology | Master's | Sciences |
Plant Physiology | Master's PhD | Sciences |
Animal Sciences | Bachelor's | Sciences |
Plant Sciences | Bachelor's | Sciences |
Statistics | Bachelor's Master's | Sciences |
Numerical Analysis | Master's PhD | Sciences |
Matroid | Master's PhD | Sciences |
Mathematics -Algebra | PhD | Sciences |
Mathematics-Geometry(Topology) | PhD | Sciences |
Mathematics-Analysis | PhD | Sciences |
Mathematics and Its Applications-Algebra | Master's | Sciences |
Mathematics and Its Applications -Geometry(Topology) | Master's | Sciences |
Mathematics and Its Applications-Analysis | Master's | Sciences |
Mathematics and Its Applications | Bachelor's | Sciences |
Veterinary Surgery (DVSc) | PhD | Veterinary Medicine |
Obstetrics and Livestock Reproductive Diseases (DVSc) | PhD | Veterinary Medicine |
Poultry Health and Diseases (DVSc) | PhD | Veterinary Medicine |
Internal diseases of large animals (DVSc) | PhD | Veterinary Medicine |
Food Hygiene | PhD | Veterinary Medicine |
Veterinary Physiology | PhD | Veterinary Medicine |
Comparative Histology | PhD | Veterinary Medicine |
Comparative anatomy and embryology | PhD | Veterinary Medicine |
Veterinary Pathology | PhD | Veterinary Medicine |
5th and 6th year of DVM program | D.V.M | Veterinary Medicine |
Third and fourth year DVM program | D.V.M | Veterinary Medicine |
Second and third year of DVM program | D.V.M | Veterinary Medicine |
First and second year of DVM program | D.V.M | Veterinary Medicine |
Food hygiene and quality control | Master's | Veterinary Medicine |
Parasitology | Master's PhD | Veterinary Medicine |
Bacteriology | Master's PhD | Veterinary Medicine |
Immunology | Master's PhD | Veterinary Medicine |
Clinical Biochemistry | Master's | Veterinary Medicine |
Sports science | Bachelor's | Sport Sciences |
Sport Physiology | Master's PhD | Sport Sciences |
Sport Managment | Master's PhD | Sport Sciences |
sports pathology and corrective exercies | Master's | Sport Sciences |
motor behavior | Master's PhD | Sport Sciences |
Islamic Knowledge and Family Law | Master's | Letters and Humanities |
Sociology | Bachelor's Master's | Letters and Humanities |
Climatology | Bachelor's | Letters and Humanities |
Spatial Planning | Master's | Letters and Humanities |
Political Geography | Bachelor's | Letters and Humanities |
History of Islamic Iran | Master's | Letters and Humanities |
History of Ancient Iran | Master's | Letters and Humanities |
History | Bachelor's Master's | Letters and Humanities |
Criminal Law and Criminology | Master's PhD | Letters and Humanities |
Private Law | Master's PhD | Letters and Humanities |
Jurisprudence and Criminal Law | Master's | Letters and Humanities |
Jurisprudence and Private Law | Master's | Letters and Humanities |
Jurisprudence and Islamic Law | Bachelor's Master's PhD | Letters and Humanities |
General Psychology | Master's PhD | Letters and Humanities |
Psychology | Bachelor's | Letters and Humanities |
Persian Language and Literature- Epic | PhD | Letters and Humanities |
Persian Language and Literature- Mystical | PhD | Letters and Humanities |
Persian Language and Literature- Lyrical | PhD | Letters and Humanities |
Persian Language and Literature | Bachelor's Master's PhD | Letters and Humanities |
English Language and Literature | Bachelor's Master's | Letters and Humanities |
English Language Teaching/TEFL/TESOL | Bachelor's Master's PhD | Letters and Humanities |
Educational Administration | Master's PhD | Letters and Humanities |
Educational Administration and Planning | Bachelor's | Letters and Humanities |
Marketing Management | Master's | Economics and Management |
International business | Master's | Economics and Management |
strategic Managment | Master's | Economics and Management |
governmental management | Bachelor's | Economics and Management |
Business Management | Bachelor's | Economics and Management |
Financial Accounting | Master's | Economics and Management |
Management Accounting | Master's | Economics and Management |
Accounting | Bachelor's Master's PhD | Economics and Management |
industrial economy | PhD | Economics and Management |
International economy | PhD | Economics and Management |
Econometrics | PhD | Economics and Management |
Financial Economics | PhD | Economics and Management |
Banking | Master's | Economics and Management |
Economic Development | Master's PhD | Economics and Management |
Economical science | Bachelor's | Economics and Management |
electrical engineering | Master's | Engineering |
Computer Engineering | Bachelor's Master's | Electrical and Computer Engineering |
the literature | Bachelor's | Letters and Humanities |