Department of Polymer Engineering
The Department of Polymer Engineering (DPE) at Urmia University was founded in 2015 through providing BSc program, and it is expected to launch graduate programs in near future.
Polymer Engineering is a field that synthesizes, designs, analyses, and modifies polymeric materials and their blends or composites. Polymer Engineering includes some related fields to Petrochemical Industry such as Polymerization. The training courses cover all aspects of Polymer Engineering and Science including chemistry of polymers, synthesis of polymers, polymer processing and blending, characterization of polymers, etc.
Islamic Republic of Iran is recognized for its great source of gas and oil as well as its capital in petrochemical industry and upcoming polymeric products worldwide. Hence, Polymer engineering aims to effectively contribute to polymer research and education as well as polymer industries.
We wish to invite you to visit the department and cooperate with the faculty to promote research-based and educational aspects.
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