English of Urmia.ac.ir

Department of Water Engineering

Water Engineering Resources

- Hydrology (quantity and quality and circulation)

- Water Cycle modeling (Air, ground, river and reservoir phases), Water accounting, Water balance in different schemes and phases

- Surface and groundwater evaluation, monitoring, simulation and modeling (quantity and quality)

- Water Planning and Evaluation systems, Optimization of resources and consumptions

- Water Harvesting, Natural and artificial recharges, aquifer restoration issues

- Environmental water requirements, Wetland simulation, soil and water pollution

- Integrated Water Resources Management, DSS, Water Governance and International affairs of water rights(Arax, Zab and common basins with  neighborhood countries)

-  Socioeconomic issues of water resources

- Erosion and sediment protection, watershed management studies

- Urmia Lake simulation, evaluation, monitoring and restoration from water resource aspects

Hydraulic and Irrigation Structures

-  River and Coastal Engineering: Restoration, Training and Bank Protection.

- Sediment Transport in Rivers and Lakes.

- Design and Operation of Irrigation Structures: Water supply, Conveyance, and Distribution

- Numerical and Physical Modeling of Structures

- Hydrodynamic modeling of Lake Urmia

  Irrigation and Drainage

- Design and Management of Irrigation and Drainage Networks

- Soil, water and plant relationship

- Water productivity improvement

- Water accounting in irrigation schemes

-  Water and solute transport in porous media

-Improvement of irrigation methods

- Assessment of irrigation systems 

- Crop Water Requirements

Geospatial information technology (GIT) Unit

- Geographic information system, geodatabases design and implementation in water and agriculture-related fields  

- Remote sensing and Photogrammetry, surveying, land use change detection

-  Hi-tech (Geospatial intelligence network in the water industry, GPS, Drones)


Water Engineering