English of Urmia.ac.ir

Exit and Return Permit

Required Documents and Workflow for Issuance of Exit and Return Permit:


  • International students should visit the Consular Office of Urmia University in person 10 days before their decision to leave Iran, with their student visa and passport.
  • In order to issue the Exit and Return Permit, it is mandatory to submit the confirmation of the dormitories office.
  • The Consular office processes the student's residence status and checks the documents.
  • The passport of the international student is sent to the immigration and passport police of Iran, to issue the Exit and Return Permit.
  • The Exit and Return Permit is usually issued and submitted to the student in less than two working days.


Note 1: According to the regulations of the Immigration and Passport Police of Iran, each international student has the right to leave the border (Exit Iran) 4 times a year.

Note 2: According to the regulations of the Immigration and Passport Police of Iran, each international student has the right to stay in his home country for only 3 months every time he exits Iran, otherwise his visa and residency permit will be canceled.


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Visa & Consular Affairs