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Memorandum of Understanding between Urmia University and Middle East Technical University

Memorandum of Understanding between Urmia University and Middle East Technical University

With the aim of expanding scientific diplomacy as well as increasing educational and research interactions with the universities of Turkey, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between Urmia University and Middle East Technical University.

The content and articles of this memorandum were discussed and approved during the recent trip of Prof. Dr.  Ahmed Alijanpour, Chancellor of Urmia University, to Turkey and meeting with the president of the Middle East Technical University, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yozgatligil, and preparations were made for its signing.

The Middle East Technical University is a well-known research-oriented university in Turkey with about 25,000 undergraduate and graduate students and outstanding rankings in the world university rankings. This university has also received the most credits in European Union and Tübitak projects among Turkish universities.

During the past three years, Urmia University has organized several visits, webinars, and joint projects with the professors and universities of Turkey which has resulted in the signing of 12 MOUs between Turkish universities and Urmia University.